Respiratory Polygraphy

Respiratory Polygraphy

The sleep study can be done at home.

The sleep study can be done at home.

The sleep study at home is similar to that done in a hospital, with the added convenience and practicality of being in your own home.

Simple, fast and easy to use, our ApneaLink Air equipment reports on apneas, hypoapneas, flow limitation, snoring, blood oxygen saturation and breathing patterns within the registry. All these parameters will tell us if you have obstructive sleep apnea and, if so, in what severity.

All our studies are validated by pulmonologists specialized in Sleep Apnea

ApneaLink Air is scientifically validated for screening patients with sleep apnea and validated by CE.

The main score you get from a sleep study is called the Apnea-Hypopnea Index. The IAH score indicates the number of apneas and hypo apneas you experience per hour during the sleep study. In addition, other parameters that are also important for diagnosis are measured, such as snoring or oxygen saturation.

Severity of sleep apnea AHI (per hour)
Normal Less than 5
Slight from 5 to 15
Moderate from 15 to 30
Severe more than 30

Request your home sleep study by filling out the form below

If you want to have a sleep study, fill out the contact form so that our clinical department can contact you as soon as possible and explain the test in detail.

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      (Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00, Friday 9:00 to 14:00).


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