Fund your treatment

Tu Medicina Financiada offers personalized, safe solutions in less than 24 hours thanks to the adaptability of our products.

Thanks to Tu Medicina Financiada, we facilitate access to your treatment when necessary, we adapt to your needs, giving a quick response, through a secure procedure.

We put all the means at your disposal.

We process the financing of your treatment only with the following documentation:

  • Last payroll
  • ID
  • Bank account
Approximate simulation for financing the budget delivered to the patient by Sabadell Consumer Finance , S.A.U.
Not valid until confirmation of the interested party with the accepted financial conditions. For the processing of applications for health financing, contact: Processing Financing 936476424 – 673764859

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    If you prefer, you can contact us by phone
    (Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00, Friday 9:00 to 14:00).


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