CPAP tube brush (1.82cm)


The CPAP tube brush is designed to gently clean and prevent moisture build-up and the risk of mould or algae growth. Manufactured with soft nylon bristles that are flexible to fit thin or standard hoses.

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Brush made of soft nylon bristles.

Fits standard and slim hoses.

Easy grip handle.

2 reviews for CPAP tube brush (1.82cm)

  1. Spanish
    3 out of 5

    maria irene a.

    Encara no l’he usat, ara he llegit que no hauria de posar res dins del tub

    • Spanish


      Hola. gràcies pels teus comentaris, el raspall està fet especialment per a aquest tipus de tub, l’important és no introduir paper o objectes que es puguin quedar dins. Salutacions

  2. Spanish
    4 out of 5


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