Mirage Micro, Resmed CPAP Mask


Micro makes adjustment easy.

The Mirage Micro mask developed from the original Micro™ has a more stylish design and new comfort features that allow greater acceptance.

Combined with the proven technology of ResMed’s Mirage pads, Mirage™ Micro’s unique MicroFit disc allows for the exact fit to fit each person.

With greater comfort and a better adjustment range, greater than 95%*, Mirage Micro is the new leading brand in nasal masks.

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Micro makes adjustment easy

Custom fit: Up to 24 different position options, providing an effective and comfortable fit

Comfort: The MicroFit button adjusts each position to meet your needs and preferences. Quiet and modern. Silent exhalation spreads air away from you and the person sleeping next to you

Intuitive. The MicroFit button is simple to use and allows you to make adjustments with just one hand

Visual freedom. Design offers an unbeatable field of view



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