Installing the Equipment

How do I install my computer?

The treatment system consists of a mask, a tube, the treatment equipment and the humidifier. Look at the treatment system to see if you can identify all the parts.
Knowing what to do (and what not to do) when installing equipment can make all the difference in treatment.

Below, Terapiacpap offers you some tips.

First be sure to place the equipment on a horizontal, stable surface, where it is not covered by books or clothing. The bedside table would be a good place.

Place it close enough to you so that you can reach the controls when you are lying down.

Allow sufficient space around the equipment and ensure that it is not too close to a wall or heater.

Contact our technical team

In our patient care centers we will configure the equipment to your specific needs. We will teach you how to use it properly and give you all the information to make it ready for use. You can see and try all our masks and accessories to choose the one that best suits you with the help of our clinical team.

    Ha leído y acepta la política de privacidad. Le informamos que el Responsable del tratamiento de sus datos es C.A.R. CARDIOLOGY ADVANCED REGISTER, S.L. Sus datos serán tratados para la resolución de consultas y el envío de la información solicitada. Sus datos no serán comunicados a terceros, salvo por obligación legal o exigencias de autoridades públicas competentes. Se conservarán durante no más tiempo del necesario para mantener el fin del tratamiento o mientras existan prescripciones legales que dictaminen su custodia y cuando ya no sea necesario para ello, se suprimirán con medidas de seguridad adecuadas. Usted tiene derecho a ejercer los derechos que le otorga la normativa vigente en materia de Protección de datos, a través del email: Puede consultar más información del tratamiento en en la Política de Privacidad.

    Adaptation to treatment

    Once you have installed the equipment and feel good using it, it is important to track the progress of treatment.
    Staying committed to follow-up is the best way for you and your healthcare team to verify that your obstructive sleep apnea is controlled and properly treated.

    After a while, you may realize that your treatment needs have changed, which involves changing the mask or treatment equipment settings. Follow-up is also helpful so that the healthcare professional can see how you are responding to specific treatment and adjust it, if necessary, so that you can continue to get the most out of therapy.

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